Animal Control By-law Notice

MUNICIPAL PARKS DO NOT PERMIT DOGS, as per Animal Control By-law 2024-023
Please be aware that no pet owner is to have their dog, whether they are on leash or not, within the following municipal areas, unless the dog is a certified service animal:
1. The Arena and Park area located at 39 George Street, including the playground and splash pad area, baseball diamond and bleachers, as well as the parking lot.
2. The West End Park and playground area on Concession Street.
3. Soccer field on Industrial Drive.
As per Schedule D, 14 of By-law 2024-023, the set fine for “Permit dog in prohibited area” is $100.00. Non-compliance will result in a ticketed fine in the amount of $100.00 and non-payment of set fine could result in the penalty fees being applied to the pet owner’s taxes through the AMP (Administrative Monetary Penalty) system.
Please note, the Mathison Conservation Area north of the arena and the Rotary Park on 25 Industrial Drive are pet friendly spaces. Pet owners are welcome to walk their dogs in these two areas, however dogs must always be on leash and pet owners are required to pick up after their pets.
If you have any questions, please direct them to 705-778-2308.
Thank you.
Travis Toms
Chief Building Official (CBO) & Enforcement Officer
705-778-2308, ext. 444
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