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HBM Youth Councillor Completes Term

HBM Youth Councillor Completes Term

Havelock-Belmont-Methuen (HBM) Township Council and staff would like to express our sincere thanks to Gwenevere Davidson for her contributions as HBM Township's Youth Councillor over the past three-month term. In addition, we greatly appreciate Norwood District High School principal, Darlene Davidson and the Guidance department's support of the HBM Youth Councillor program and of Gwenevere's participation.  One of Gwenevere's contributions to Council is an excellent video showcasing HBM Township and all that it has to offer our residents and visitors, we strongly encourage you to watch it (see video below).

HBM Youth Councillor Program

Our HBM Youth Councillor program invites young people who are residents of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, as well as students of Norwood District High School, to participate and lend their perspective as Youth Council members during regular council meetings over a three month term. The Youth Councillors bring updates from the high school and they lend their perspective on topics and issues when called upon.  Its a wonderful leadership opportunity, but it also exposes young people to local government and a rewarding career path to consider.

Well done, Gwenevere!  We wish you continued success and the very best of luck on all future endeavours.

"I am very happy Gwenevere Davidson was able to participate on Council these past three months and grateful to Norwood District High School Principal, Darlene Davidson for her support. Council certainly benefits from having a young person's perspective and Gwenevere was terrific. I also encourage everyone to watch Gwenevere's HBM Township video, I think she did an excellent job showcasing our township. ", stated Mayor Jim Martin

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